性视界 Technologies | Industries


We work across multiple industries to provide intelligent maritime solutions and services that enable safer and more productive ocean operations.

Defense and Security

Maritime domain awareness and offshore and shoreline border security represent a daunting challenge considering the vast areas to be monitored, weather related access limitations and the considerable amount of manpower required.

Defense and Security >

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Offshore Wind

Offshore wind is a quickly growing focus area for renewable energy supply. Autonomous OPT solutions can provide cost-effective assistance through all phases of site planning and development through to safe and secure operations.

Offshore Wind >

Opt industry wind power

Offshore Oil and Gas

As electrification grows in the offshore oil and gas industry, the need for autonomous and zero- or low-carbon power sources increases, especially as maritime energy exploration activities migrate farther away from the shorelines and into deeper waters.

Offshore Oil and Gas >

Opt industry oil gas

Science and Research

Efforts are underway to map the oceans for increased understanding of climate change, ecosystem health, available fish stocks, energy resources, and weather patterns.

Science and Research >

Opt industry science research